Sunday, January 25, 2009


one of my most hated words. and one of my most hated subjects.
mine are very pretty, but i have spent a life in HATE of feet. therefore, i have developed an addiction to shoes: expensive, hand-crafted boots, manolos, fancy french thick-soled numbers, vintage sneakers, gucci loafers, artisan slippers, name it, i got the pair. half of which, i've never worn.
i have just spent the weekend working a "podiatry trade show" at the marriott marquis in times square. picked up the gig from a friend who said it was a "pretty easy job" to make some money.
it was a horror show. i was surrounded by fungal toes, flat feet, orthodics, foot surgery...
it was my job to be there and be blonde, have big boobs, and smile and maybe bring in some new business for some mri center. i spent the weekend being groped, fondled, and the recipient of the worst come-ons and passes since ford was in office.
i now have two standing dates: peter luger's and bemonte's. i just felt too guilty to turn these old guys down. because they will be dead within the year anyway.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

and I hate to tell you you're now going to get a jillion hits. trust me, I put "granny toes" in a title a year and a half ago and it's still getting me traffic.