Wednesday, December 26, 2007


so. here it goes. the beginning. i shall now begin to authorize and embellish a few things that i experience and could live without in writing. or at least in print. or more importantly in posterity. again, this is something i swore i would never do; like buying a cell phone, or saying i love you to a food item, or buying retail at talbotts, or using the wrong punctuation (i.e. see the semi-colon above), or eating off plates that are not white, or admitting that raymond carver may not have been as great a writer had it not been for gordon lish, or owning a car in new york (even in brooklyn when really, i was given the car in an estate, so give me a break... and it RULES!) , or stealing toilet paper when it fits in my bag, or washing silverware.
and the end....

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