Tuesday, February 19, 2008


just got back from LA and from helping a friend out with her cancer and her 3 month old. was joined by two other great friends who felt it was important to fly from New York City at the crack of ass to sit around, crack jokes about cancer and pass a baby around for a few days. although i am exhausted (not used to staying up all night with babies, y'all) i feel pretty good. i also feel incredibly blessed (much like theknowall) to be surrounded by such amazing women (and a few dudes) in my life. although not related by blood, this "family" is one of the most important things in my world. when i'm at the end of the road i will look back at my life and relationships and see that i have been very lucky.
of course, by then i'll be in a wet cardboard box under the bqe eating catfood out of a can and i'll probably smell like pee.


SKL said...

You will always have a home in my basement.

andtheend. said...

thanks. the new stairs from the deck should make it easier for me to steal food.

Julia ATX NYC said...

yeah, we won't let you move into cardboard till theend.