Monday, February 25, 2008

o-scar(e)s cont'd.

i agree with mr. Haskin
whoever he is.
Blogger Steve Haskin said...

Three favorite reactions of the night:

1) Cate Blanchett looking genuinely surprised and delighted for Marion Cotillard's win.

2) Frances McDormand just pretty much not being able to contain her joy at the Coens winning director(s) and picture.

3) Laura Linney as basically the default reaction shot to everyone, just because she always looks so empathetic and kind. She's like Oscar's mom or something. :)

andtheend says: I also thought Frances was the most beautiful woman in the room. and i like having fun with text colors.

1 comment:

ope said...

love laura linney. but amy ryan was me mvp -- in every shot she beamed selfless earnestness.