Wednesday, September 17, 2008


am i the only voter out there who cares about the pronunciation of the country that we are at war with (currently), the country we are about to be at war with, and the country that we used to like but may, at some point, be at war with eventually?
cause this is how it stands with the mccain camp (and most of america):
1. EYE-rack.
2. EYE-ran.
3. PACK-eee-stan.
at least obama knows how to pronounce them. is that the first line of diplomacy?
the second, of course, is... where is the bathroom? that weird middle eastern food went right thru me....


Xmastime said...

ill tell you what tho...Obama pronounces the Taliban like "Tollybon." Sounds like candy being thrown around a May Pole. drives me nuts.

Tricia said...

ha, he does pronounce Taliban weird! But the Bush Iraq is the most annoying.