Friday, September 12, 2008

words i like better than "outraged"

i've really begun to hate this word. everyone i know and don't know seems to be using it these days. although i share their sentiment, i think it's time to check my handy thesaurus and try to help:
1. umbrageous.
2. mortacorpuscled.
3. tipple-miffed.
4. snaggle-tooth-tiggerred
6. perstinkaterd.
7. omfgaufs. (ohmyfuckinggodareuserious)
8. wrangletastic.
9. disembowelled.

ok, that last one i kind of made up, but it's that feeling you get after a few pints, right before you start to feel outraged and your friends have to pull you out of the bar kicking and screaming.

suck it merriam-webster.

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