Saturday, January 9, 2010


a highly over-looked book. sent to me by my friend e. because she felt so strongly about the book. this was my original response to her after reading about 80 pages:
"is this book going to be relentlessly depressing? it's beautiful, but so
far he has a failed family life, what seems to be a future failed academic
life and a failed marriage. tell me there is some light in this."
her response:
" no. there is no light. but i think it's his relentless HONESTY and
stoicism that saves the book from being depressing somehow. it's a near
PERFECT book somehow...."

it took another 20 pages to realize she was right.
the first paragraph gives us the summary of his academic life and his legacy. then you roll back the layers of his real life. they are both tragic and hopeful. it makes you think of every obituary ever written. what is a good life? what is an honest life? what are we willing to give up? and what are we not willing to give up?

read it. and the end.

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