Thursday, January 31, 2008

passing judgment

i have not seen "the diving bell"...yet, and i have a feeling i will enjoy it but, dude, julian schnabel seems like such a DOUCHE. lose the pajamas. hugh already did it... with aplomb. schnabel looks like some scary drunken uncle who sits on your parents couch and eats beans from a can.
he's so self-congratulatory that he doesn't have enough hands to pat himself on the back. it's hard to watch an "artist" who is such a star-fucker. if i had to sit next to this guy at a dinner party i would cut both of my ears off with a butter knife before the second course.
and his art (other than his films) sucks.


here. said...

basquiat was laff out loud funny

"... but jean michel, your so FAMOUS" still gets alotta play around the house

tivoed jschnab on charlie rose. promises to be wknd highlight

andtheend. said...

yeah, that's what got my feathers up. even good-natured charlie starts giving him shit.

here. said...

-cueing poison single-