Sunday, July 6, 2008

the end. of an era.

i love to throw parties. spend weeks preparing.
had my annual 4th of july party. knew that the view from the roof would not be as great as it has been over the last few years due to construction on union. still, i thought we would have a great vantage point for optimal fireworks viewing.
after an early set up in the afternoon to set up table, etc. on the roof, i went down to prepare the evenings nourishments and put my face on. cut to 6 pm trip to roof to set up flag tablecloth, candles, chairs, etc... find door bolted and padlocked. party to start in one hour. what does a gracious party hostess do after she has planned this for weeks? anxiety attack. after many attempts to get lock off (thanks SL!) and several vodka tonics later, found a way to get roof access around the other corner entrance to building. all guests were good sports. fireworks ensued. yet, hostess was gripped by sadness and loss of times gone by. yes, change is good. all part of life and that shit. but even the fireworks were disappointing. think that's it for roof parties. thank god for a junior miss tape (thanks em!) and blueberry pie (thanks jw!).


SKL said...

So. What holiday are you gonna call dibs on now? Pick one, please, for your parties are good.

andtheend. said...

new years day. pork n sauerkraut. rsvp now.

SKL said...

As long as it's not Derby Day. But I was thinking an Easter Brunch on Grand St would be lovely, too.

andtheend. said...

i do make a lovely ham. and deviled eggs.

Tricia said...

sucks! I can't imagine your disappointment at the stupid door.