Sunday, July 20, 2008

mia review

so, to escape the heat e and i went to the atlas park mall to check it out. you could not pay me to stay away from this movie. been jonzed for weeks. i lerve meryl. and i lerve mr. darcy. (you pride and prej and b.j.d. fanz know what i'm talkin'bout)
so here are my thoughts:
1. it was directed by a third grader.
2. the daughter is 20. so, that means roughly born in 1988. what up with the 70's popstar outfits? and i'm pretty sure all the "adults" are late 50's+.
3. don't sit in handicapped seats to a sold out movie. the trailers are way tense when you're waiting to get thrown out by granny and a cane. (we ended up sitting on the floor)
4. the first third of movie is cringe-worthy. it's like watching/hearing your parents fart at your high school graduation. really loudly.
5. totally grew on me after james bond started singing dreadfully. then fell in love with it.
6. mr. darcy is a gay.
7. i will never be able to watch breaking the waves again.
8. everyone made an ass out of themselves. but they did it without looking miserable. except christine baranski.
9. cried. and cried some more.
10. great to see an actress who can't really sing, emote so beautifully in "the winner takes it all." she got all meryl on my ass.
11. the ending was genius. everyone was singing in the audience. even granny with the cane.


Tricia said...

Darcy gay? I was worried about this. but nothing will shake the colin firth image of him diving into his pond.
so you recommend it? sounds like a good hot day view.

andtheend. said...

perfect escape the heat movie. but, oh, mr. darcy...